Sunday, July 12, 2015


     I am a gun advocate! I fight the libtard's desire to disarm us. However, I believe a business has the right to refuse ANYONE ( and I mean anyone) service. It is a private business and the only rights they have to concern themselves with are the rights prospective employees and their working employees are guaranteed by law. The Right to Carry is, and can be scary to others who view us as the enemy and out to do harm. We are only exercising our rights guaranteed by the Second Amendment.

     If you chose to go into a business who doesn't permit open carry, be wise. Leg or ankle carry under your pant leg. Leave your jacket on and use a shoulder holster to where you still have the ability to protect yourself and others who want you to go unarmed. Of course you would and your gun be the first person and weapon that they would hide behind should a terrorist come in with an AK-47 or a known criminal came in with weapon drawn to shoot and rob. Liberals like to talk a big game, but it's the true Patriot that stands between them and a dictatorship, anarchy and a Muslim State instead of the American way of life. Refuse to go disarmed, but be wise about it.

     The liberals would make us believe our rights and freedoms (and their agendas) are given to us by the government. For those of us who have a brain, we know that way of thinking is backwards. The government is given any and all power by us: The People. Our Constitution is our Bible as a country. Our government is out of control and needs a reality check. So do our politicians. We are your CEO's, you are our employees. However, tyranny blinds and blurs reality. Just ask a TRUE PATRIOT AND CONSERVATIVE. 

     Tyranny doesn't start overnight. It is a well designed takeover of rational reasoning, free thinking, and the ability to feel safe, and replaces it with the desire for the government to take control of what is perceived as an out of control public. Hmmm. Sounding familiar? The people willingly give up their freedoms in favor of what is an opaque appearance of safety and freedom. How did that work out for the millions who died in WWII?

     Tyranny and a government takeover is done in a subterfuge of racism, hate for others who only wanted to live their lives as they believe is their right, such as practicing their Freedom of Religion (which by the way, is guaranteed by The Constitution), and I dare you to locate the words "Separation of Church and State" in the Constitution. Don't waste your time! It's not there!

     Liberals want to enforce their beliefs and remove our Right to Bear Arms (another Right guaranteed by The Constitution) and see the pattern. So did Hitler. Racism is being promoted, when the majority of Americans of all colors live side by side with friendship. So did Hitler. Liberals want to take our guns. So did Hitler. Hitler wanted the school books to teach his deluded beliefs to the children. Our school systems want to remove the Holocaust as something that never occurred. They now promote "Common Core" schooling so that the government can create a teaching system to control our children's minds to not believe what their parents tell them, but what the government says is true. So did Hitler.  

     We have a government that is allowing our country to be overrun by illegal aliens. It is allowing the very group who tried to bring our nation down on September 11, 2001, infiltrate our country, build their mosques and demand Sharia Law. See, Hitler was the tyrant of his day and age, but know the new tyrant, Barrack Hussien Obama, is performing the same undermining of our country. He has set up a government who will never say no to him. That all fall in line with his agenda, no matter how ludicrous or illegal it may be.

     Our Senate and Congress refuse to hold anyone accountable, or issue arrest warrants for the likes of Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner, Susan Rice, and Eric Holder, just to name a few of many! Why not? Where are the arrests? Why has Obama not been impeached and removed from office? Why has the Supreme Courts ultra liberal judges who make law, instead of following The Constitution, not been impeached and removed from the court? Where is justice in America? Why do citizens go to jail and prison, while the Washington Gangsters run free?  THE ANSWER? THIS IS HOW TYRANNY BEGINS AND HOW THE PUBLIC FALLS FOR IT! 

     Obama has decimated our military and its moral, making us ripe for an invasion and takeover by his cohorts. Ever wonder why any president would do nothing to secure our borders, as well as let the Muslim wolves enter our country and establish a presence here? Why would his lap dog, John Kerry, ever go to the table with Iran to attempt to come to a deal? Take a page from John F. Kennedy and send an armada to the Middle East and inform Iran if you cross a line, we will destroy you! Russia found John F. Kennedy to be a man of his word. The same thing should happen with China and North Korea. ISIS and other terrorist groups, You hammer them day and night, no stop. You send in troops with the orders not to give any quarter. All die! Ooops, you would have to care about America. You would have to remind the world that the U.S. is the military ruler of the world, wanting peace, but an ass kicker if needed.

     Make no mistake about it, we are on the precipice of tyranny. You can hear the rock falling down the cliff as the ground erodes under our feet. Last but not least, you have Hillary Clinton, who is running for president of OUR country, yet allows our enemies to donate money to the Clinton Foundation? Uh, as president, do you really think she would have our best interest at heart? Really? Did she have Ambassador Stevens as well as three other Americans best interest at heart when she ignored his request for help? If you are THAT STUPID, VOTE FOR HER. YOU DESERVE ALL SHE DOES TO YOU!!

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