Saturday, June 27, 2015


     I have watched our country (well...America is now their country: their being anyone who is not a Conservative) go through changes this week that had me scratching my head and wondering where I missed the opening monologue by Rod Serling, and what Twilight episode I was in! I hear Rod start, "Imagine this...". Our Supreme Court has now set itself up as the governing body of America, emasculating the Senate, the Congress, and all state rights by making it mandatory that all states allow Sodomistic and Lesbian marriage. I guess 'Pursuit of Happiness' includes sticking your penis up another man's rectum, or using prosthetic devices to emulate penis penetration in your partner's vagina. I would love to speak to the Founding Fathers and ask them if they had that in mind when they penned the Pursuit of Happiness. I would sure like to see the shock on their faces.

     Not just that, but the Supreme Court again placed themselves above the Constitution by ruling in favor, again, of the Affordable Health Care Act, even though the wording of the law itself states that you must sign up through a State exchange, making anyone signed up in a state without an exchange, ineligible for coverage. Hey, I didn't just make that up, it's in the AHCA wording itself!! The same law that earlier in it's infancy as a law, the same Supreme Court handed down a ruling that the AHCA was the law of the land! However, now that the 'state exchange' was brought forward, the Supreme Court has ruled themselves as being idiots, and ruled that the state exchange does not exempt you from coverage under the law! Even that one has to tell us that the Supreme Court Justices were in their chambers, a bottle of Jack Daniels being passed around, all of them with a straight edged razor blade scraping a line, then putting the straw to their nose and huffing in the cocaine!

     Here is the news of the week: The still saddening news as the last of the South Carolina victims is eulogized and buried. One of the two escaped convicts is killed. The Supreme Court rulings (Hell, I ain't going through that again, especially since more rulings are to come) and the former head of the New Black Panther Movement pushing for blacks to kill whites. It seems again, let's blame the whole race for what one evil, hateful person and the horrifying crime they committed. Word up, dude, I would have been the first one to pull a Glock to put a bullet in that idiots head. Not because he was going to kill blacks, rather, because he was going to kill Americans, good people worshiping God. Blame him and the evil he committed, not the white race. Of course that would take the hateful rhetoric out of your mouth, making you a dinosaur, and you won't have any part of that!

     The fight over the Confederate Flag, I believe, is a no brainer. If you wish to fly the flag at your home or from the bed of your truck, you are covered under the Freedom of Speech, and I will stand up for your right to do so. However, I don't agree we should continue to promote it as a government...just my opinion. The sodomites and lesbians fly their rainbow flag...where's the controversy there? I disagree with the sodomite and lesbian lifestyle, but I'm not out burning their flags. It would accomplish nothing. I will, however, continue stating my belief it is wrong, and guess what? That's covered under my right to Freedom of Speech.

     I have always stated and I firmly believe it, I was born in the wrong time frame. I should have been born in the late 1940's and grew up in the 1950's. Life had direction. Right and wrong did not posses a blurred line. At the end of the workday, dad came home to mom and the kids. We were proud of Old Glory, the Fourth of July, Veteran's Day, our military, baseball and apple pie. Of course there will be those who will say, "Yeah and I bet you would have been one of those haters of blacks and loved segregation!" Bullshit. Don't think for me. I won't think for you!     

     Where was I? Oh yeah: Did you know we as conservatives would fair better in Russia? Russia does not legally allow homosexuality! Nope, no sodomite or lesbian marriages over there. Russia will not allow a baby or child to be adopted by a foreign couple or person if there is even a hint or possibility of the baby or child being adopted by a sodomite or lesbian. They will not allow sodomite or lesbian propaganda to be promoted or school children to be indoctrinated with sodomite or lesbian thinking. Now that is what is called putting your foot down and squashing the old rainbow flag under their feet. I don't believe you'll see the Kremlin bathed in the rainbow colored lights.

     Russia does not bow to Muslim or Sharia Law, even though they have areas of the country that are Muslim! They have a strong military, not one that is being emasculated by a limp dick leader! Liberalism doesn't fair well in Russia. Nope. Draw backs: religious freedom is not high on their list, and their lifestyle and middle class needs improvement.

     They have a leader with a backbone. Every country in the world knows what the end result would be if you screw with Russia and Putin. It wouldn't be pretty. Agree or disagree with Russia and its history, at least they have some morals remaining and the backbone and strength to back it up. America has become a quagmire of pig shit and sexual deviants, with leaders intent on destroying their own country. If I were Putin, I'd snub Obama as well. Hell, if I were Putin, I'd bathe in disinfectant if Obama came anywhere near me. I would want the stink and infections of liberalism to become a rash on my spine either!

Thursday, June 18, 2015


Last night America came under attack as a violent 21 year old man, took the lives of 9 precious, Church members, there to listen to their Pastor and pray. These are 9 of God's faithful, lover's of their church and their God. More than that, they were Americans, our brothers and sisters in life and in God. Such an act is demonic and Satan influenced. It is not an act of white American against out African American brothers and sisters. We all, and I do mean all of Americans, mourn with you, shed tears with you, and are horrified that someone would allow evil to enter their heart to commit such an heinous and atrocious act.

What we don't want is politicians, including our President, to build a political platform to use this to denounce gun ownership. He could have easily slaughtered these people with knives, explosives, arrows, and other deadly devices. Remember the four young girls in Birmingham that were killed while in their church by a racist bomber. Four Angels went home that day, but it didn't entail a gun. Our nation is high on gun violence, but it is inner cities where gangs and drugs run rampant. Take that away, and our gun violence drops by at least 80%. So let's focus on the crime, the individual, and the mindset of why he perpetrated an act of unbelievable savagery and terror.

The last thing we want to do is allow this to pull us apart as Americans. Rather we need to form a chain of hands of all colors and pray that our country turn its eyes and hearts back to God. This individual may have committed the act from racially motivated hate, but what I saw today were tears running down the cheeks of Americans of different ethnicity. I know my eyes filled with tears for those who left us too soon because of this evil person, who happens to be white, but I am white and my anger and disgust is at the shooter. He broke the hearts of not just South Carolinians, but all of America as well. There will be those who will use this as a platform to promote their racist rhetoric, but be wise as a serpent and see this for what it is. One individual perpetrated this horror, not the white community.

We have struggled in the past months as some have committed acts that should never occurred. This is not one of them. This person was not in a position of authority, other than what Satan made him believe he had. We need to join hands and remember that it wasn't just African Americans that marched with Dr. King, but whites as well. For the most of America, we need to heal the divide, not allow, politicians, those who portray themselves as champions of African Americans to divide us further. Dr. King knew the answer to our nations racial divide was to convince each other that we are ALL AMERICANS, not the monikers we use to identify our differences. I believe Dr. King would be the first one to stand and ask for calm, prayers, and the reunification of America.   

Sunday, June 7, 2015


     Racism is alive and well in the United States. Of course the media and, black politicians, black community leaders, and the so-called reverends: Jacksons and Sharpton will tell you that the white man and police are to blame. Interesting how this has suddenly became an issue. Could there be an undercurrent of subterfuge, steering the populace into believing that once again, the Democrats are their friends, while those mean old Republicans, and police brutality by white cops against blacks. If it weren't for those Republicans, Blacks would be working and living the American dream instead of suffering in poverty, living off of government subsidies and living in the most dangerous ghettos, crime ridden housing projects, and slums our country has ever seen. So what keeps the police from rushing in, curbing the crime, and allowing the good citizens to live without fear? Racism. Racism? Get a grip people, because it damn sure isn't racism.

     Racism is a world that would normally be a southern tradition, born out of hate, slavery, and the need to segregate races. Lets visit history:

1.) Slavery came from the purchasing of slaves from different parts of the world, sold by their own tribes and villages to white and black traders. Whoops, did I say Black Traders? Yes I sure did. But, somehow history forgets how slaves were of different colors. Whoops, did it again. Whites were slaves as well, all the way up to the Civil War. Damn, that's a piece of history people don't want to hear about!

2.) Why, once again is racism at the forefront of the media. I know there were some distressing events where blacks died at the hands of the police. Has the mainstream media performed a search on how many whites have been killed by blacks and the police? No. Why not? It doesn't fit the agenda being pushed from behind the scenes. The agenda is to make American mistrust Americans, so we forget about the problem at our southern border (by the way did you here where one of our border patrol helicopters took fire from the Mexican side of the border, forcing the helicopter down? Are you aware that Mexican Military helicopters have been landing on American soil, unchallenged?). If you divert attention of any group from a major problem by creating a problem that turns that group against each other, then the first major problem is ignored. Easy enough.

3.) Now, ask yourselves, all the billions of dollars that have been pumped into major inner cities to help bring the people up out of poverty, yet still find themselves in poverty, and now in worse condition because city and government leaders have successfully, and openly, criticized the very people who are sworn to protect the citizens, once again creating a situation to where the news and American people forget about the border, Gitmo terrorists being released, more Muslims being allowed to enter our country and setup mosques in our country, as well as entering our political arena.

     So why? Why all the: here come the cliché's, smoke and mirrors, and cloak and dagger events occurring and who benefits? Well we know the Muslims are. These are the same people who say they have a right to be pedophiles. Hmm. We know Obama's agenda is to destroy America from within, by setting up Muslim rule. Oh come on! If you haven't figured that out by now, you're either slobbery drunk on the koolaid or a moron! Anyway, back to the issues of billions of dollars to help the impoverished inner city that has never seen a dime of help, has one thing in common: they are controlled by Democratic politicians and power. Now, let's ask ourselves: if they received billions of dollars, and did not use it for the purpose it was to go to, where did those billions go? If you aren't already Googling all this, you should.

     The Democratic Party has never been a friend to blacks. President Lincoln wasn't in a struggle against the Republican Party to end slavery. oh contraire mon ami! It was the Democratic Party who wanted blacks to remain in slavery and have successfully kept that credo by enslaving you to entitlements, poverty and living in squalor and crime ridden communities. Obama had the perfect opportunity to help the black community. The black community wasn't even on his list of things to accomplish. His multitude of vacations (while the black community tried to make it through a day alive) were more important than poor, downtrodden, crime ridden, black communities, and through their campaign to hurt the very officers sworn to protect this impoverished, those communities suffer even more because of the agenda to destroy from within, the police are now uninvolved, stand on the sidelines, and won't risk going to prison fro doing their jobs. This is under a Democratic government.

     Last, but not least: Hillary. Her latest statement, "The Republican Party is doing everything they can to keep registered voters from voting!" Satan couldn't have stated that lie any better, because he has Hillary's ear. What the Republicans do want to stop is, undocumented aliens from being signed up to vote when they are here illegally, and have No Right Under Our Law and Constitution to vote, let alone be registered to do so. Hillary is overrun with evil. She stands up for women's rights, while taking millions of dollars into the Clinton Foundation (has anyone ever found out what this foundation actually does other than absorb money?) from countries where men control everything, and women who are suspected of doing something against Sharia law or the Koran are stoned and burned. Yeah Hillary, you sure (do not) stand up for women's rights, as long as the millions keep coming in. Hillary, like Obama and all the cronies who work for him or still do, thumb their noses at our laws and Constitution while destroying us from within.

     If it comes down to us or them, which side will you be on? Who will you side with? Will you stand and defend our country, our right to free speech, our right to worship, and most of all, our Constitution? There is a line drawn in the sand, and Obama's toe drew it. Will we allow that line to keep moving, depriving us of more, or will we push back until they either bring back America to its glory or fall off the cliff behind them? I know what side of the line I am on! Watch out for the cliff.