Tuesday, October 14, 2014


Vatican: “Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community”

Read more at http://sonsoflibertymedia.com/2014/10/vatican-homosexuals-gifts-qualities-offer-christian-community/#ftZb2i4StgTBFedO.99

Homosexuality has been the political battering ram of the opposition to God’s law and freedom in the past 25 years in America. More recent the sodomites’ attempt at redefining marriage has been used as the weapon of choice. Now, the liberal leaning Pope Francis and his Roman ecclesiastical hierarchy have stepped in it again, this time with homosexuality. The Pope’s recent synod led to a document, in which bishops said they should focus on the positive aspects that sodomites have in the church.
This Pope has attacked capitalism, embraced Islam and many have suggested he has laid groundwork for a one world religion. While they did not endorse homosexual sex and the redefining of marriage openly, the bishops did indicate that sodomites have “positive aspects” to offer Christians.
The Guardian reports:
The document, known as a relatio post disceptationem, received applause when it was read aloud in the synod hall after a week of discussions, due to continue this week. It does not contain any decisions but offers a significant idea of the gathering’s direction of travel. Some Vatican observers said its change in tone on homosexuality and cohabitation was remarkable.

“The document published today by the synod of bishops represents an earthquake, the ‘big one’ that hit after months of smaller tremors,” wrote John Thavis, author of The Vatican Diaries. “The document clearly reflects Pope Francis’s desire to adopt a more merciful pastoral approach on marriage and family issues.”

Referring to the increasing numbers of people choosing to live together before marriage, or to have civil weddings, the bishops spoke of the need to see “the constructive elements” in those options while not viewing them as an equal substitute for Christian marriage. “In such unions, it is possible to grasp authentic family values or at least the wish for them,” they noted.

In a passage entitled “welcoming homosexual persons”, the bishops said that although the church could not support gay marriage, it needed to explore ways of making gay people feel included. “Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community: are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our communities?” the document says.

OK, let’s be clear, there can be true Christians who may be tempted with homosexuality. They can be cleansed of their sins and still battle those temptations (1 Cor. 6:9-11). However, there can be no unrepentant homosexual who can truly be called a Christian.
I, as well as all Christians, welcome all repentant people who have formerly engaged in homosexual acts. However, that is vastly different than receiving those that continue to practice homosexuality and expect to be accepted into the community of believers. May such a thing never be!…. but it is being welcomed, instead of being dealt with.
“Often they wish to encounter a church that offers them a welcoming home,” the document continues. “Are our communities capable of providing that, accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?”
No! The communities of believers are not to do that. Are they capable? Sure, they are, but only sinfully, not biblically. There is no “value” in same-sex attraction. It is evil in the sight of God. Even worse is carrying the “vile affections,” as the apostle Paul calls them in Romans 1, to their logical conclusion of physical acts. They are a sign of God’s judgment, not His love and approval.
 “Without denying the moral problems connected to homosexual unions,” the report adds, “it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners.”
No, it adds to their damnation. They should be called to repentance, not acceptance. This is a major problem in the professed church in America where pastors are too cowardly to call out sin and demand that those in attendance repent of it.
 “The synod is clearly listening to the complex, real-life experiences of Catholics around the world, and seeking to address them with mercy, as Jesus did,” James Martin, a Jesuit author, told the Associated Press. He also called the document a “stunning change” in the way the Roman Catholic Church spoke about sodomites.
Well, I’m no friend of the Roman Catholic Church, their councils or their Popes. I love the RCC people though, and want them to know the gospel of Jesus Christ that saves and I believe there are many in the RCC that reject Roman dogma and have embraced the true gospel. Some of my contributors at Freedom Outpost can attest to my thoughts regarding that fact. In fact, I have pointed out to many that our Reformation fathers were Roman Catholic and attempted to reform the RCC, but eventually had to separate from it. The RCC has its own problems, but this is not helping it.
The true church must stand up and declare that such admissions, as those posed by this synod, are an abomination in the sight of God and call these men to repent for the health and spiritual well-being of men everywhere, and that they would demonstrate a love for men that flowed from a love of God and His Word, which condemns the very behavior they seem willing to embrace.
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Read more at http://sonsoflibertymedia.com/2014/10/vatican-homosexuals-gifts-qualities-offer-christian-community/#ftZb2i4StgTBFedO.99

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