Sunday, October 23, 2016


     The media, the pollsters and now even the Trump camp is almost conceding defeat. Why? Are you going by polls? They are all over the place, with the mainstream media's polls taken with an intentional tilt towards Hillary. We put all our hopes behind you Donald! You like to say what's best for you, defending yourself against all these lying women. Forget them as of today. Hillary's camp will have them pooping up like whack-a moles. Stay the course! Prosecute her at your rallies by using the very things the media won't. The issues, the Clinton Foundation, pay for play, money for access to The State Department, etc.! When you spend your time defending yourself, you waste precious time you (we) don't have!

    You gave us hope. You gave us the possibility of normalizing America. You gave us hope that our military would once again make America the most powerful military force in the world, using strength to keep peace. I said it 6 months ago that Putin doesn't want a weak America. Between Russia and America, though there were always trouble spots in the world, and yeah, America and Russia weren't the best of friends, but they knew between them they could keep the Nuclear war out of the picture. Any hot heads, like North Korea, would have been dealt with by both Russia and America, making them feed their people instead of their leaders insanity. Now, Russia is facing an ever growing China, terrorism and the idiot in North Korea, and the Eagle doesn't have their back any longer. 

     I saw Hillary in a Black church in North Carolina today. Are they completely insane? Here you have a woman who loves the idea of babies being killed, instead of born. She is behind every type of sexual deviance. She, and Bill, have a history of disappearing people, or mysterious deaths in their history, yet a 'so called Christian church' would have her spouting her racist vile in their church and behind a pulpit that a minister is supposed to preach The Word of God? Backing a party that almost kept the Emancipation Proclamation / 13th Amendment from being ratified! The same party that also created the KKK and the brutal treatment of blacks after their freedom was won. The same party that destroys the cities that a large portion is minority populated, keeping them in fear living in ghettos, and gang violence, drugs and death of their youth, while placating them with subsidies? Watching her talk behind that pulpit reminded me of Satan himself standing there whispering in her ears what he knew would tickle theirs. 

     Minorities, be mad at me if you want, but if you vote for her, you have got to me the most ignorant people on the face of the earth. Do you think she is going to help you? Are you that naive and uneducated? Do you not have a mind of your own to see what is actually going on, or do you need this white woman to tell you what you need? Free college education? Who do you think is going to pay for that? Me? Hell no, I won't! You've got to start taking responsibility for your own thoughts and actions, instead of relying on others to do it for you! Start researching who is writing the crap you read. Look behind the scenes of 'movements' that are supposed to make change (Black Lives Matter) and see who is making the dollars off of your ignorance! There is a world out here that needs you to be Americans, not servants to the Democrat Party! You want your cities back? You want crime off of your streets? You want jobs and opportunities into your communities? Take a long look at who has been in control, and open your eyes to those who would enslave you in the ghettos. Yes, you're still slaves, because it's easy to take a hand out, but takes effort to reach up to grab the hand who would lift you up from the mire and show you and your children blue skies of opportunities. If you don't start thinking for yourselves or what Democrat white and black politicians want you to believe, then don't complain when you still have the same old, same old 4 years from now!

     I want to see your communities safe, drugs and drug dealers and users driven permanently from your communities. There are industries who would bring jobs in, but not if crime is such a big problem and workers who aren't interested in being good employees, but would rather have the company cow-tow to their movements and the way they want to do things. Common sense has to kick in! If not, well, blame yourselves and quit rioting in the streets. You get what you wanted.

     I refuse to believe Americans are so ignorant to vote Hillary into office. I just keep thinking about a world on the precipice of nuclear holocaust. Like him or not, hate him and be disgusted by him if you choose, but I watch world events and how violent and volatile it is and remember what Putin stated, "If Hillary wins, war.". Missed that, did you?   

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