Friday, October 23, 2015


     Okay, I'll admit it: I was a Benghazi Committee junky yesterday. Sorry, it just happened to be one of those "ain't got nothing better to do" days. Still, even in one of those type days, I was able to be entertained by the Democrats, frustrated with the Republicans, and outraged at a belligerent.."I'm running for President so I don't give a crap and neither do those who believe I am incapable of being anything but perfect" Hillary Clinton.

     1.) The Democrats were there for one reason; to give Hillary the ability to smile when one of them were up at the microphone, drooling praise on her and saying how this was, as that damn Kevin McCarthy jumped ship and made it clear the Benghazi Committee was there to derail Hillary's Presidential campaign. Huh? I didn't know Hillary was running for President when the murders in Benghazi occurred! Talk about a spin! Deflect the real events and make it appear as if Hillary Clinton is being attacked for no reason at all. Poor, poor baby!

     What is clear from yesterdays investigation is that Hillary has no intention of accepting she failed to protect Americans performing a job, that fell under the oversight of the State Department, which if it was abundantly clear, she was "Madame Secretary at that time". So, let's eliminate the Presidential run. That's smoke and mirrors to allow her to deflect her guilt from not responding to over 600 emails from Stevens requesting additional security, that things were escalating out of control. Hell, the hole they blasted in the perimeter wall should have been enough to have the Marines ground pounding Muslim extremists into the ground, allowing a safe extraction of the Benghazi four. This woman is a liar (fired during the Whitewater investigation when it was proven she lied). She lied then, she has been a consistent liar since. Even the AP fact checked her yesterday and found all kinds of discrepancies with what she said and what was true!

     2.) The Republicans didn't hold her feet to the fire! They allowed her to world hop by saying what was going on in different parts of the Mid-East because of the so-called video. What happened elsewhere happened there. They are not in Benghazi, Benghazi is! Yes or no answers, Madame Secretary: Did you send an email to your daughter the night of the Benghazi massacre...No, no...I didn't ask you what you thought or what occurred later. Did you send this email to your daughter saying it was a terrorist attack on the Benghazi compound the night is happened...yes or no? Did you send an email to the leaders in Egypt and Lybia that night, stating it was a terrorist attack on the compound in Benghazi? (Oops, Madame Secretary, didn't you arm the very people who killed the Benghazi four?) No, Madame Secretary, we're not asking about other parts of the world or a fluid situation. Did you send those emails? Yes or no?

     See, she should have been held accountable and kept straight on course to answer their questions, with specific answers to the very specific questions, but that didn't happen. They allowed her to joy ride all over the place to deflect her responsibility away from where it was supposed to have been directed. What a bunch of wimps. I'm no prosecutor or politician, but even I know how to get direct answers. This would have shown the American public, once and for all, that the video was politically motivated to allow Obama to not have to deal with it at the final part of the campaign. Lies, lies and more lies. HILLARY CLINTON IS A DAMNED LIAR, HAS BEEN AND ALWAYS WILL BE! Just like John Kennedy warned us of Nixon, I'm warning you about Hillary, the damned liar, Clinton.

     3.) Should anyone vote for Clinton, no American's life is safe. She will turn her back on the American Citizens while we're slaughtered in the streets, then go on television and say it was work place violence, or better yet, the media has yet to inform her of what happened. The Democratic party has proven they don't give a damn about the Benghazi four. It's not good politics. They spouted that the investigation was wrong and purely Partisan. I will agree. It was purely Partisan. That happens when one party wants accountability, while the others deflect, wanting, not to have justice for four Americans who died in a foreign land on her watch, but to maintain their party as doing no wrong.

     If our lives, the lives of our soldiers, and Ambassadors are at the mercy of politics, get the body bags and the coffins ready. We'll damn sure need more of them!

     Last thing: Why was the creator of the video, an American, arrested? I will agree it was not the smartest idea to make the video, but isn't Freedom of Speech a protected right? The video in no way equaled the murder of four Americans, killed by terrorists! Blame the video, arrest an American and violate his Constitutional rights and send your spin team out to lie about the true events that occurred in Benghazi. Obama, Hillary and that whole damned administration have done nothing but work to undermine the security of American from within and out. They have done everything to push the racial divide even wider, by using the wedge of lies and divisiveness, which has resulted in our police officers looking like deer in headlights and out come the guns to kill them. In closing: Send all of the Obama Administration packing, even to the point of making living in America a bad idea. Chase Hillary into hiding from warrants issued for her arrest for criminal negligence in her duties as Secretary of State!

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