I want to start this week's review with three books I've read by a controversial author as well as controversial person in his career as a Fox New host: Bill O'Reilly. Whether or not your agree with his show and opinions, the three books I am about to review are not just excellent reads, but thought provoking in the subjects they cover.
1.) Killing Lincoln: For those of us who are in awe of not just one of if the not the greatest President to hold office in our country, but a man who faced the greatest evil of his time (slavery) and saw the country he loved torn apart by the unwillingness of the South to have the North dictate its way of life and the type of commerce it promoted. Bill O'Reilly captures you in the first chapter as you walk with Lincoln up to the day of his death and shortly after. Knowing the outcome because it is a piece of our history doesn't in anyway create an air of boredom in reading this book. I wanted to reach into the pages and stand in front of President Lincoln screaming of what was to come. History shows Lincoln as many things, dependant upon your views, but one thing is for sure, you are taken back in time and walk beside the man and feel the weight he carried and the sadness of his upcoming demise by a cowardly act.
I rate books on a 5 star rating: Killing Lincoln is a bursting 5 stars.
2.) Killing Kennedy: O'Reilly takes the known facts of the death of John F. Kennedy and walks you through the timeline of not just the upcoming assassination, but the timeline of different players involved in the killing as well as John and Jacqueline's movements leading up to the killing. For those of us who were alive when the assassination took place heard the Warren report, but have listened to the many conspiracy theories; shooter from the grassy knoll, Kennedy's killing was a mob sanctioned hit, and that Oswald couldn't have committed the shootings as the Warren Commission's report stated. Whether Oswald was a maniac set on proving to the Russians what he was capable of or just insane or whether there were other behind the scene players involved, is not the issue. Speculation is not facts. It's just the game of "what if?". This book captures another piece of our history and gives you the time line in slow motion, based upon facts. For those born after Kennedy died, you will have heard many differing stories. Take the time to read the truth as we know it.
Rating: 5 of 5 stars.
3.) Killing Jesus: Of all of his books, Bill, in my opinion, caught a tremendous amount of flack that was unjustified, especially by the religious community. Bill did not write attempt to re-write the Bible. He spoke of facts of life during that time period, how people really lived, and removed the stereotypical beliefs based upon Hollywood, differences of pulpits, and what we chose to think based upon how we see life and brought us back with a dose of reality to what life actually was back then. It in no way demeans Christ, His walk and mission, that He is the Son of God. In fact, i found it refreshing and helped to solidify my own walk and belief in my Saviour. I understood who he was, how strong a man he was physically and why the Sanhedrin priests kept bringing Christ back to the Romans for pronouncement of punishment. It is an eye opening, and faith building read.
Rating: 5 of 5 stars.
I want to finish this installment of reviews by adding another Fox News contributors work. No, I'm not a pro-Fox news book reviewer. But it just so happens that they do tend to write excellent books. My next author is Greg Gutfeld. For any of you who know Greg's work on the Five at Five on Fox as well as his show; Red Eye, you will know Greg to be a student of not just politics, but of the world and the tilted view that the "Liberal Left" has of everything and not afraid to show you the unsupported ignorance of people and events in the world and country.
4.) The Joy of Hate: How to Triumph over Whiners in the Age of Phony Outrage: Greg just knows how to use words to bring people back down to earth, from the outrageous statements and actions of politicians, to then bring us back to earth by untwisting spin those who wish to destroy America, its one time strong morals and values, as well as just a quirky way of presenting the truth. I can't wait to read his other two books. They're on my Christmas list as well as Killing Patton by Bill O'Reilly.
Rating: It has to get a five of five, if for no other reason than to keep Greg from making me his next book!
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