When I was in middle school, Tennessee History was a required course for us to take. Nope, no ifs ands and buts about it. You took it and learned a wealth of knowledge about The State of Tennessee (Which was originally named "The State of Franklin" until Ben Franklin nixed it).
When I was in high school, American History was a required course you had to take. Nope, no ifs ands or buts about it. In the process you learned a wealth of knowledge about our great nation. It is the type of knowledge you retained for a lifetime.
I say this to lead into this true event that occurred the other day. A friends nine year old daughter came home from school with a pamphlet that was teaching her all about Muslims and how they believe and live. The last time I did a GPS reading, she lives in the same town I do, not in a Sand Sucker part of the world. Is this what we want our children to learn? Really?
To be honest, I couldn't give a Tinker's Damn about Muslims, what they believe and how they live! Now I live in what I believed to be a very Conservative, Bible Belt part of the U.S., however, the sickness of being a progressive, lib-nut has invaded a one time Ku Klux Klan celebrated area. Of course they are still here (somewhere), but I believe the core people of this area are more than willing to start a new Revolution should the so called, nice, well behaved Muslims decide to show their right to be heard.
Anyone with a lick sense knows that those nice little pamphlets don't teach students about Sharia Law, ISIS, 9/11/2001, beating, maiming and murdering of their women with no repercussion because they are Muslims and they live such nice, peace loving, family lives with nothing but Patriotism in their hearts.
Those nice little pamphlets do not tell students how Christians are murdered and beheaded by Muslims. These pamphlets don't teach the children how the word "Terrorist" is now defined as any Muslim. These nice pamphlets don't tell the children that not all Muslims are terrorists, but all terrorists are Muslims. Yep, bet they keep that out of the pamphlets!
So what do we do? I am a grandfather of six. I am very vocal and outspoken against the evil of Islam and Muslims. I will back it up, if needed, with having my grandchildren watch the beheadings perpetrated by those nice Muslims. I will show them pictures, articles and have them watch news footage of how those nice Muslim men feel they have the right to shoot a young girl in the face, beat their women, stone them, and outright murder them under their "Sharia Law". What does that mean for you? As a parent, aunt or uncle, cousin, grandparent or friend, you should take these pamphlets and read them to the children...AFTER YOU TEACH THEM THE TRUTH ABOUT MUSLIMS!!
If you love your children, you will make them aware of the scourge that is crawling all over the world (worse than cockroaches!). You will teach the the truth about Muslims and inform them it is not being racist to know, believe and take a stand against Islam and Muslims. Not racism...just truth.
If you are a Christian family, ask yourself and family, "Is our faith in God and Christ strong enough NOT TO DENY THEM BECAUSE YOUR GOVERNMENT OR MUSLIMS THREATEN TO DO TO YOU IF YOU DENY YOUR FAITH?" There are Christians who have already been martyred and continue to be martyred because they refuse to recant their faith in God and Christ. You can't have it both ways. Revelations 3:15 & 16 state: “‘I know your works: you are neither cold nor hot. Would that you were
either cold or hot! So, because you are lukewarm, and neither hot nor
cold, I will spit you out of my mouth."
When your child brings home a pamphlet or book promoting Islam and Muslims, will you be the one who will stand and maintain as it states in Joshua 24:15, "And if it is evil in your eyes to serve the Lord,
choose this day whom you will serve, whether the gods your fathers
served in the region beyond the River, or the gods of the Amorites in
whose land you dwell. But as for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.”
It is now to the point, the once proud American public schools are breeding grounds for the progressives and lib-nuts. If you don't have a Christian school you feel comfortable with, you can home school your children and purchase the curriculum to teach your children all the academics, maintain a faith based environment, and help reinforce your family's faith. If you continue to leave them in a school system that pushes the progressives and lib-nuts agenda, you are training them to be fodder and will lose them to this evil world.
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