Wednesday, November 18, 2015


     When I grew up, John Kennedy's speech of, "And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you — ask what you can do for your country." meant something different than it would today. It was a statement to bring us together as a country, to help us open up as a nation. We had our country's back, and the country had ours. Today that statement would be better stated, "And so, my fellow slaves to Obama, ask not what Obama can do for you (like he does anything for us!), ask what Obama demands and you will do it whether you agree with it or like it! I am God Obama!"

     The difference between being proud to be an American, to apologizing to the world for being one, is in a dark contrast to what we were. Gone are the days when coming to America, to become a citizen, to live the promise and the dream America inspired. That was then, this is now. Now the dream is seen through smoked glass, it's hard to find. Pride in being an American is shouted down by those who have bought into Obama and the liberals view in how to transform America. Had we known Obama's vision of how he would transform our country, we would have loaded him up on a C-9 and kicked his butt out over his land of birth: Kenya.

     We are now at his and his administration, Democrats, and liberals will. No longer do we have a voice in our country and how we expect it to run. So we voted in a Republican majority in both houses. Where have they been hiding? They're scared shitless (excuse my language) of Obama. If they weren't afraid of him, he would have been impeached and thrown out of office as soon as we took the houses I am just about ashamed to admit I pull for the Republican Party. No one in Washington has our backs. We The People have become the dirt that Obama and his demolition crew walks on. 'Demolition Crew' is a good name for those who follow Satanic Obama. They demolish America and our way of life and those sent to Washington to protect our Country and Constitution, instead of doing just that, they thump their chests in soap box speeches, or go on news and talk shows and decry the failures of the failures of Obama and how he is destroying our country and values, as well as embarrassing our country in front of the world!

     No, it's not the Muslim extremists fault for the terrorist acts they commit in this world, it's a video, an editorial drawing, the climate change that are to blame. Gee, I dislike a lot of things, but strapping on an explosive vest, carrying AK-47's into a crowd and blowing up innocent people and mowing them down with fully automatic weapons. I hate and despise Obama, the Democratic Party, liberals and climate changers, but I have no desire to kill and maim them! So, Obama and Kerry, you can apologize for the ill you have done to America and the world, but do not apologize for me! I didn't allow the JV Team to grow! I didn't allow our Ambassador and three others to be brutally murdered in Benghazi! I haven't weakened our military, forcing into retirement the very military leaders who would have defeated ISIS if given the green light. I would never have hired a known terrorist sympathizer and financier to head up our Homeland Security, giving him unfettered access to America' s classified documents and Intel. You did. You also like to use a world stage to ridicule Republicans, stating they are trying to keep widows and orphans from seeking asylum in our country, yet from all reports we know very few women and children are among those whose wish to come to America, mainly able-bodied men who should be fighting to preserve their country instead of acting like they should have asylum! No able-bodied Syrian male should be allowed into our country, instead, sent back to Syria to fight for their cause! How about facing off against those Republicans, face to face, instead of having thousands of miles between you and them? Why not? Because you are the chicken-shit coward we all know you to be!

     If our military prominence in the world is to be restored, our military needs to arrest you and all of your administration for treason. This does include: Joe Biden, Hillary Clinton, Lois Lerner, Janet Napolitano, and Kathleen Sebelious. Allow Paul Ryan and his choice for Vice President into office, in hopes that we can once again return to the America we were once proud of, and a military force not to be reckoned with. We weren't a world bully then, rather one who stood strong as the light of freedom to the world, and a country our Allies could sleep easy knowing we were there. The only way we, as Americans, have a chance to regain control of our Government and Presidency is for The Muslim Mafia and his henchman be removed from office, by immediate impeachment or our military removing you, under the authority of Congress, for treason. One way or another, you and your administration has to go, and I believe the good citizens of America are just about ready to demand it.

     Folks, we have to get him and his administration out by phoning the hell out of Congress and Senate. If we don't take a stand now, America the Beautiful will become: America the North American Caliphate! 

Saturday, November 14, 2015


     There are no words that can ease the pain, the horror, and evil we have witnessed our Allies in Paris having to try to accept and fear. As a Blogger and writer, words usually come easy, yet I find myself pausing between sentences, sometimes between words, to try to wrap my mind around such evil that grips Paris and all over France. I don't know about anyone else, but my wife and I sat riveted to every picture and video on the screen, and hanging on every bit of information as officials and news agencies attempted to assimilate and structure the responses that would allow their audiences to feel what must have been a nightmare coming to life as time passed.

     Familys, friends, children, spouses, and communities have just started dealing with the deep grief and unbelief. We, as civilized people, are angry, most wanting swift and final revenge agains any and all Muslims. Some of us are finally coming to a realization that our president and his administration has set up our country for far worse than the disaster Paris experienced. Bleeding heart liberals want every class of people to be brought to our country for asylum, yet by one of the terrorit's body was a passport, which Greece has verified, as a refugee seeking asylum from Syria. How many have you already allowed into America, Obama? How many Americans will scream, be blown to pieces, or maimed because of your willingness to allow the wolves to find asylum among the sheep? You are, Mr. President, one sorry bastard for not doing everything in your power to make sure none of these evil killers gained entrance into our society! You have no clue, and your talking points last night proved yoiu are unattached, and a careless bastard when it comes to others suffering, unless it makes you look good. You could use the explosions last night as part of your 'Climate Change' agenda!

     "ONCE YOU GIVE UP A RIGHT OR FREEDOM, YOU WILL NEVER GET IT BACK. GOVERNMENTS ARE NEVER WILLING TO GIVE BACK THE CONTROL THEY HAVE OVER THE POPULACE!" Here is the evil I see working in your mind, Obama old buddy. If it occurs here, your drooling lips can;t wait to say, "Martial Law". Yeah, I know your agenda all to well. Martial Law suspends presidential elections, because as long as Martial Law is in effect, you can't be removed from office. He will be allowed to suspend our Constitution and Bill of Rights. You will have the ability to tell your henchman to suspend Habeas Corpus, which will allow them to detain, arrest, imprison and enter all dwellings, commercial or private, without the need of a judge signing a warrant. Your henchman can seize anything and everything without good cause, including our guns. We would enslaved to you and your henchman and Sorros. If you all don't believe me folks, read up on Martial Law rules as they apply in America.

     We need to mourn, support, and pray for our brother and sisters in France, but we cannot look to our government to solve our problems here. If you lose sight of who we are, and fail to keep our wits about us, Obama's plan to enslave America, will come to fruition. We, as American citizens, have always been the one to defend our country. We as Americans will be called on by our neighbors, our communities, cities and states to defend who we are and our way of life. DO NOT....DO NOT ALLOW OBAMA TO DECLARE MARTIAL LAW!! Once he does, the Constitution and Bill of Rights will be good paper kindling to start a fire in a 55 gallon drum with wood in it to keep a little heat for those of us his reign will imprison.

     What was one of the first things that the President of France did during the chaos, violence and fear that was going on, not all over France, but in Paris? Instead of waiting for the paramilitary (police) forces to let him know that all of the Jihadi imbeciles were dead, allowing Paris to finally exhale, he declared Martial Law bestowing on him the same abilities and power that Obama will gain. Our Governors should tell the Federal Government that, unless they ask for his help, to stay out while our paramilitary forces, our National Guard, as well as our well organized militias resolve the problem with quick and decisive means to bring Muslim Extremists under control or stacked like cord wood. I can't express this enough! Yes, mourn with the people of France, but do not fall into the trap they have fallen into: Martial Law.

     Our government has proven it does not improve our lives, nor is it willing to enforce laws already on the books to ensure our safety. Turning to the Federals is never the answer because they are the keepers of the doors that allowed these evil Muslims into our nation in the first place. 9/11 and Boston are too easily forgotten. Where did these terrorists come from? Who allowed them into our country. Wasn't me! Wasn't you either. It was the Federalists who did. They are never the answer, just a part of the extreme problem that exists in our country. Say, "Never!" to Obama, but grab your neighbor's hand and say, "Together, we can and we WILL!".

Thursday, November 12, 2015


I suppose that with everything going on recently (presidential debates, Hillary's growing issues with the FBI probe, students at the University of Missouri acting like jackasses, and etc...etc..) it's mind Blog-gling (catch the pun? Weak, right:), it's hard to figure out where to start! goes!

1.) The debates:
      a.) The Democratic debates were as boring as watching 93 year olds  playing softball (no disrespect intended to 93 year olds), and the questions asked were twice as boring. The responses were no better either. If you think asking kids if they want candy or ice cream and expect 'no' to be you're seriously in la-la land. There wasn't a question asked that would rankle the hackles of any of the debaters. I mean, where was the juicy hard ball questions that they had the opportunity to hammer Hillary with? Where were the questions directed at Bernie Sanders about his socialist stance? Damn, the guy is as big a socialist as Stalin, Lenin, Hitler and so on. Please let me be one of the moderators at the next Democrat debate! Please! I may get booed a lot, but I would damn sure hold their feet to the fire and expose them for what they are: the worst disaster and evil that America has seen and would experience since Pearl Harbor. Both of them feel America is so weak right now that they believe they have the power to be the next Tojo and bring America to its knees so their imminent attack on the heart of our society can come under their tyrannical rule. Do you think I'm overstating the situation? Follow Hillary's career and you will see a litany of lies, deception, cronyism, treason, more lies to cover up Benghazi, her attempt to wipe her her illegal server clean to hide her miss use and treasonous acts. Bernie, well, Bernie has never been one to hide his true colors so he's easy to research.
     b.) The Republican debate, not much better. I wasn't a fan of the last debate which was an out and out attack on the candidates instead of a feed of questions needing an answer! That debate was designed to try to entrap, expose, discredit, and embarrass. A 180 degree approach to the Republican candidates. Still, even with substantive questions, some of the candidates fell flat.
     Illegal immigration is a problem. Securing our borders is a tall, but necessary task for our next president (we can count out Obama in accomplishing the securing of our borders, hell, our country!). Don't hit us with big, flamboyant, unattainable crap. Yes, build the damn wall! However, of those that are here already, ship out any and all that are already criminals. If they break the law here, they are held accountable to our laws, just like everyone else. You could probably eliminate half the illegals. However, those that are here illegal, make it a fear free registration, so we know who is here, and explain the fine, and then the long path to citizenship. Explain that if they become a drag on an already overhwelmed subsidy system, they have to go. Reward those who are innovative and bring a positive impact on our country. No ammnesty, rather deport the criminals, and require those allowed to stay to become productive good citizen wannabees. That's an idea that just might work.

2.) Hillary, Hillary, Hillary. What to do about you. There's only one answer. Hold her accountable for the felonies she is now know to have committed, arrest her and try her for her crimes. Use the best and brightest upcoming Federal Prosecuters to defeat the high dollar defense team that the Clinton Foundation can throw at them. Surely your didn't expect Hillary and Bill to use their money, did you? If the citizens of America are to see the crumbling of the powerful as they are held to the same standard as the common joe, it has to start there.
     The Republican base wants to bring Americans back together, so to do that, you've got to shrink an oversized government, show us where every penny of our tax money is spent, eliminate the IRS, strip it of it's KGB power. Pull the EPA back to doing what was intended: to ensure that our water is safe, our ground is not being poisoned, and find chemical and nuclear waste dumping grounds, clean it up and hold accountable those who created the mess. Eliminate the Bureau of Land Management. The BLM believes America belongs to them instead of We the People. Eliminate the Federal Reserve, or place it under Congressional oversight, to eliminate the games it plays with our economy. If we're going to hold Wall Street accountable, then the FED has to be as well.
     NO BUSINESS IS TO BIG TO FAIL!! I really like the idea thrown out Tuesday night; if a bank, like Bank of America. is going to fail, allow the depositers to get their original investment out and then let it fail. No more bailouts! I know quite a few small businesses that failed, not due to mismanagement or greed, but rather our failing economy and they didn't receive a bailout! Check any Democratic run city or state and you will see why our economy sucks. Democrats destroy economys, they don't improve them.


3.) (I promise this will be the last one for this Blog, that is if you're not snoring by now), The University of Missouri. Here again, is the case of the tail wagging the dog. These students are making demands? Screaming white priveledge? What the hell? They are at a top notch, highly respected university, getting a great education and they're complaining? This is one white boy (well, old white man) who didn't have that priveledge! You are getting to go to the University of Missouri and your crying white priveledge? (I know I sound redundant, but I have a hard time wrapping my brain around that one!) What's so white priviledge about being accepted as a student to a major university? Hey African American (black) students! Have you not studied the hardships, killings, beatings, hangings, white only restaraunts, blacks to the back of the bus, and the stand by Rosa Parks? Have you not watched 'Missippi Burning'? Have you not read about the marches, the water cannons, the dogs being turned loose on marchers, to inflict bites, pain, and shed blood? The marches went through hell, being pelted by rocks, bricks, baseball bats, and police clubs. The marchers endured all of that to one day eliminate the seperation that divided the races! Have you not read about or heard about Martin Luther King Jr. and how all of these people (including whites marching with them) gave you the ability to attend such a great university, and you spit if their faces while you make demands? If I were your parent I would make sure you pay your way from the moment you joined the 'white priveledge' movement and were part of making demands! You are there for an education, not to decide who is and is not to teach there, or be part of the administration! The old saying, "If you don't like it here, baby, go on down the street until you find what you're looking for!". You bunch of disrespectful, idiotic kids need to be made to find out what it's like to be no longer a part of Mizzou and no university willing to touch you! America is always open to new, productive and positive ideas. What it doesn't need is a bunch of ungrateful kids making demands to bring about not one positive result. I apologize to you, Dr. King, because they sure won't!