Saturday, October 25, 2014


The following article is from the TEAPARTY.ORG website:

UPDATE: AT&T has blamed a “nationally syndicated radio station” for sending the alert message, despite the fact that only the federal government can send out EAS alerts. The alert system, “can only be activated by the President in times of emergency,” reports Fox 5.
Americans watching television across the country were puzzled earlier today when an alert from the White House interrupted their viewing, told them to stand by for an emergency message and warned them not to use their phones.
TV channels automatically changed to local news stations but no White House message ever came, prompting confusion and concern, especially given heightened tensions amidst the Ebola crisis.
The message was seen by viewers in Austin, Atlanta, Detroit and across North Carolina, as well as other areas of the country.
WSOC-TV out of Charlotte, North Carolina later posted a statement on their website saying they would investigate why the message went out, indicating TV and radio stations were given no advance notice of the test.
An AT&T spokesperson later indicated that that the alert notification was sent out erroneously.
“Earlier today, U-verse TV customers may have received an Emergency Alert notification. We confirmed that there is no emergency at this time and we are investigating why this occurred. We apologize for any inconvenience,” read the statement.
However, the Emergency Alert System is mandatory by law – stations have no control or power to block the signal once it is sent out by the federal government. Broadcasters are required to install and maintain FCC-certified EAS decoders and encoders at their control points, meaning the signal cannot be switched off or interrupted.
How sensible is it that the feds ‘mistakenly’ sent out an emergency alert – potentially causing panic – amidst national concerns about the Ebola outbreak in the United States?
Back in 2011, a similar test of the emergency alert system, in this case for cellphones, went awry when residents were told that a “civil emergency” was in progress and that they should “take shelter,” prompting 911 lines to be flooded by panicked callers. Authorities later apologized, claiming the test was a mistake.

Weird message warns viewers not to use phones amidst Ebola concerns
(Infowars) – AT&T has blamed a “nationally syndicated radio station” for sending the alert message, despite the fact that only the federal government can send out EAS alerts. The alert system, “can only be activated by the President in times of emergency,” reports Fox 5.
Americans watching television across the country were puzzled earlier today when an alert from the White House interrupted their viewing, told them to stand by for an emergency message and warned them not to use their phones.
- See more at:
Weird message warns viewers not to use phones amidst Ebola concerns
(Infowars) – AT&T has blamed a “nationally syndicated radio station” for sending the alert message, despite the fact that only the federal government can send out EAS alerts. The alert system, “can only be activated by the President in times of emergency,” reports Fox 5.
Americans watching television across the country were puzzled earlier today when an alert from the White House interrupted their viewing, told them to stand by for an emergency message and warned them not to use their phones.
- See more at:
Weird message warns viewers not to use phones amidst Ebola concerns
(Infowars) – AT&T has blamed a “nationally syndicated radio station” for sending the alert message, despite the fact that only the federal government can send out EAS alerts. The alert system, “can only be activated by the President in times of emergency,” reports Fox 5.
Americans watching television across the country were puzzled earlier today when an alert from the White House interrupted their viewing, told them to stand by for an emergency message and warned them not to use their phones.
SPECIAL: Do you want Obama impeached? Then get your name on the IMPEACH OBAMA PETITION! Sign it here.
TV channels automatically changed to local news stations but no White House message ever came, prompting confusion and concern, especially given heightened tensions amidst the Ebola crisis.
The message was seen by viewers in Austin, Atlanta, Detroit and across North Carolina, as well as other areas of the country.
WSOC-TV out of Charlotte, North Carolina later posted a statement on their website saying they would investigate why the message went out, indicating TV and radio stations were given no advance notice of the test.
An AT&T spokesperson later indicated that that the alert notification was sent out erroneously.
“Earlier today, U-verse TV customers may have received an Emergency Alert notification. We confirmed that there is no emergency at this time and we are investigating why this occurred. We apologize for any inconvenience,” read the statement.
However, the Emergency Alert System is mandatory by law – stations have no control or power to block the signal once it is sent out by the federal government.Broadcasters are required to install and maintain FCC-certified EAS decoders and encoders at their control points, meaning the signal cannot be switched off or interrupted.
How sensible is it that the feds ‘mistakenly’ sent out an emergency alert – potentially causing panic – amidst national concerns about the Ebola outbreak in the United States?
Back in 2011, a similar test of the emergency alert system, in this case for cellphones, went awry when residents were told that a “civil emergency” was in progress and that they should “take shelter,” prompting 911 lines to be flooded by panicked callers. Authorities later apologized, claiming the test was a mistake.
Did you see today’s emergency alert message? Let us know what you think in the comments below.
- See more at:



Click on the link:

Mike Huckabee

Monday, October 20, 2014


     Unless you are just coming out of a multi-year coma, a liberal college student (or in most cases, a college student...period), from the extreme liberal militant political side, a Yellow Dog Democrat, a lesbian or homosexual, a Muslim, or the suck up administration Obama surrounds himself with: You will be aware that our nation is dying a quick and decisive death. There is no one that can possibly be so ignorant that they will state that the American Citizen, not oil supplies or all of the other non-American Citizen improvement items they use with which to blind us from the actual facts, can possibly agree that the American Citizen is better under the Obama Administration. Tell me Americans aren't that blind or...excuse me...stupid to believe that garbage.
     Yes, more people are on food stamps, welfare, Medicaid as well as other subsidies. Employment, especially among blacks is inconceivable and a slap in the face to the black worker. Poverty is poverty no matter what color you are. The middle class, unknown to those who are not watching, is disappearing. The middle class is the pillar of our Republic. If the middle class does disappear, then you are left with those in political and government power and the worker. Sounds communistic, doesn't it?
     Now the silencing of it's citizens. We have the extreme left, Yellow Dog Democrats (including the Obama Administration) and liberal aliens (still waiting for the Mother Ship for the insane liberals to beam them up), using the "racist" tactic to shout us down. Now, the Democrats definately have the depraved lesbian and homosexuals firmly in their corner, using their secretive and militant tactics to shut down businesses, have owners face jail time and large fines unless they bow to their perverted lifestyle. (More on this later). Political correctness is being used to throw out our 1st Amendment Rights by using their PC rhetoric to say that we can't say, write or even wear clothing that proffesses our beliefs and even our faith. When I grew up, God ruled and all the folks, though few, didn't need to explain why they did not go to church or didn't have to defend their atheistic views, nor did anyone who wore shirts with Christian emplazoned pictures or statements deemed a threat or an insult to other religions. I have been raised in a Pentecostal church, but was friends with everybody outside my religous and faith. I wasn't a threat to them, nor were they a threat to me. We were okay, and that was that. No matter what our faith is, unless it is Islam, we have no rights to voice our beleifs, nor is it tolerated for us to voice opposition to what we believe. The 1st Amendment is bending to the point, it won't take much before it snaps.
     Religous freedoms. What's that? Oh, it is freedom as long as you are a Muslim with your Islamic, Sharia Law and Qu'ran beliefs. Not to be outdone, you have religous freedoms as long as it is inline with the disgusting, depraved lesbian/homosexual beliefs. Deny a L & H (tired and becoming nauseated of continually writing lesbians and homosexual) anything and suddenly your beliefs and faith are of no consequence. You MUST bow to their demands or suddenly you are facing possible jail time, large fines and the end of the business you have worked so hard to build. This is the forming of a police state. A private business retains the right to deny service to anyone, no explanation needed. It is up to you who you do or do not do business with. What if a business refuses to do business with companies in China just because they don't believe in the Chineese's oppression of its people? What if a business refuses to do business with Muslims in American until they have proven they are not a terrorist threat to our country? What if a business refuses to do business with an illegal alien because they cannot prove they are citizens or green card carrying aliens? At what point did businessess lose their rights?
     Oh...I know when! When this president and the liberal federal court judges decided that the only ones with rights are those who follow the satanic agenda they promote! Christians and their pastors are now people with less rights than illegal aliens, Muslim terrorists, and of course the known terrorists that were just recently released from Gitmo. Pastors sermons can now be subpoened to verify that didn't preach against the status quo and the sickening L & H community. Seperation of Church and State (Which once again is not in the Constitution, rather was mentioned in a letter Thomas Jefferson wrote to the Church of Danbury) now attacks the Church, its parishoners, and pastors from both directions leaving the Church with nothing but the persecutions that have now started and will only get worse as time passes. As a father of a pastor, you will have to kill me to get to him, and be assured, you will also pay for the attempt. Christ told Peter to put away his sword when peter cut off the man's ear, but He hasn't told me that! Where are you people of true faith? Why the silence? Romans 8:31, "If God is for us, who can be against us?".
     Even the Catholic Church is allowing this Pope to turn against the teachings of God and Christ, allowing a more gentle approach to L & H. Well why not? They are the biggest source of pedophiles in all Christianity. Now this Pope wants a one world religion. This is to placate the Muslim world, and boy will that backfire. They will join hands for s short while, and then the Muslims will turn on the Catholic Church because they won't convert. Tsk, tsk. Catholics, stand for God and Christ and the principles that God and Christ preached.
     We all have the right to our faith and beliefs, but no one group (those dreaded L & H and Muslims) don't see it that way. Believe their way or pay. Two factions are being allowed to destroy our religous freedoms, against what our Constitution allows, and threatening to create a revolution against the very framework of our Republic and Constitution. But who cares. We are the PC country. Everybody do what feels good to you, even if it destroys and tramples your fellow citizens rights. No big deal, right?
     When I was in the 8th grade (more years ago than I'm willing to admit), my Tennessee History teacher taught us something that is as true today as it was back then, and has stuck with me since: WHERE MY NOSE BEGINS, YOUR RIGHTS END!

Thursday, October 16, 2014


     In the modern age of the world, a new milestone has been reached, a new interpretation of the Constitution has been rendered, the statement "Seperation of Church and State (which is not to be found anywhere in the Constitution!) has now been used as a no-win situation against Christians. Christians are now, and I quote, "damned if they do and damned if they don't" by a non-chrisitans, atheists, homosexual, lesbian, secular, Muslim loving anti-Constitutional country. After the 13th Amendment was passed, America started moving forward (not without growing pains) to become a beacon of hope, and a country that was a light to the world, proving Christianity, God and Christ were the hope of a dark world. Yes, those were the good old days. That was then and this is now.  
     Being a true Bible reading, Scrpiture reading and understanding Christian labels you as a racist, a bigot, a fanatic, maniacal threat to society. We are a pariah, a thing to be trampled, beheaded, ostracized, picketed if we own a business and hold true to our Faith to the point of being fined and driven out of business by militant sexual deviants. It is starting to become the war the world of Satan and demonic influence against Christians.
    As a private business owner, you have the right to conduct business with whom you choose, no explanations needed if you choose not to conduct business with anyone. There are people I would never do business with, but it has nothing to do with anything other than they're jerks, deadbeats, or I don't have time. All that would come out of my mouth is: no. If they ask why, "I'm sorry mam or sir, I just can't help you, but I can recommend another company who may be able to assist you." If I chose not to do business with someone based upon my faith, I have that right. It's not being a bigot, it's being true to my faith. It's not that I am trying to be rude to the person, I don't hate them as a person, it's just my faith conflicts with they way they choose to live their lives. If I go to a homosexual or lesbian business and they choose not to do business with me because I am a heterosexual, conservative, Constitutionalist, Christian, hey, no sweat off my back. I sure am not going to form a protest in front of their business in a militant manner to destroy their business or cause them any type of harm, physically or financially. The chose not to do business with me, I go somewhere else. Simple as that. Or it should be. Because they choose to live a vile, repugnant, anti-natural, and a lifestyle contrary to the laws of God; that is between them and an all knowing, all mighty God.  
     Matthew 7:1-3 states, "Judge not, that ye be not judged.
For with what judgment ye judge, ye shall be judged: and with what measure ye mete, it shall be measured to you again.
And why beholdest thou the mote that is in thy brother's eye, but considerest not the beam that is in thine own eye?
That is as plain and simple as it gets. Homosexuals and lesbians state that God is Love and he will accept everyone, even them. Okay, let's turn that around. If we as heterosexual, conservative, Constitutional Christians are not supposed to judge THEM, then why do they judge us? Evil and guilt will turn a person into a brutal biggoted, hating, and even killing demonic possessed, judgemental hoards. Goodbye yellow brick road. We can't live together, so let's be the schoolyard bullies, that is until the bullied stand up and knock down the bully. How will you do that, you may ask? Let's start here:
1.) I will not bow to you or your lifestyle, but nor will I throw my disagreement with your lifestyle in your face.
2.) I will not stand in judgement of you, for I believe the Bible and the word of God, so as Matthew 7 states, "Judge not, that ye be not judged." See how that works? And...whoa. Stop right there. Slam the brakes! A glaring beacon has formed in front of me! I won't judge, but that didn't stop God from already judging you! See, I'm not going to stand by and allow you to fool people into believing your "God loves Everyone" statement which gives you a free pass. I have no doubt God loves humanity. But God has given us His laws as His love and guidance to for all of us to attain a place in The New Kingdom with His Son. I Corinthians 6:9 tells us, "Know ye not that the unrighteous shall not inherit the kingdom of God? Be not deceived, neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor effeminate, nor abusers of themselves with mankind, nor thieves . . . shall inherit the kingdom of God.” Effiminate, properly translated from the Greek and Aramaic, translates to 'homosexual'. There are a number of Scriptures that refer to the sin of homosexuality.
     I want you to understand, I am not trying to come across as mean spirited. I do not hate people who are homosexuals or lesbians. I do not agree with their lifestyle choice and I base my faith base objections Scripturally. The first portion of Thomas Paine's famous quote, "These are the times that try men's souls" stands true more so today. As evil rises more prominently as we reach the end of humanity's time and sin on earth, more evil will rise up. We now contend with a world at fear with the Muslim hoard and terrorism. People who should understand that being a Muslim means no homosexuality allowed, a definate death sentence. Sharia Law means Burkas and men who can justifyingly beat and kill their women on a proveable or even a rumored or contrived violation of their beleifs. Most of Hollywood and liberals just don't get it. Muslim rule will destroy all who bow to it. Will the homosexual and lesbian so called Christians die for their faith, or will they take the right hand of the Beast and place its mark in their forehead? Or are they a part of the beast?
     One last subject I would like to broach before I stop, if "The Church" which millions take to refer to describe the Catholic Church, was a true follower of God and Christ and their words, would stand tall and true against sin, of course that would include Homosexuality and lesbianinsm as well a pedophilia. They would stand tall against Islam, Muslims and Sharia Law. This new Pope has a completely new idea of the direction the Catholic Church should go. ONE WORLD RELIGION. He believes the "God loves everyone" scenario and includes homosexuality and lesbianism in that web. Maybe it's just me (which I already know it's not), but I have always been taught that in the end time, the Catholic Church would usher in the Beast, the Anti-Christ, and Great Whore. This Pope is surely doing his part to guide the world to that point. 
     All I can say to all of you is: Quit reading "Religion" and start praying, reading your Bible, not theirs, and asking God to open your eyes to what is truely happening in today's world and what you need to do to save your soul. When you go before a judge, they will tell you, "Ignorance of the law is no excuse!" What will you hear from the Judge who will determine your path for eternity? Will you face Him with an excuse on your lips, or will you face Him with a smile, knowing He knows your name and it is found in the Lambs Book of Life? I choose the latter, but that's just me. What about you?


Tuesday, October 14, 2014


The Mark of the Beast is Here


“And it causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to be marked on the right hand or the forehead, so that no one can buy or sell unless he has the mark.” ~ Revelation 13:16-17
A baker in Oregon is fined $150,000, told he needs “rehabilitation,” and put out of business for declining to bake a cake for a lesbian wedding. A baker in Colorado is fined, ordered to bake a cake in violation of his own conscience, and sent to re-education camp for the same offense. A florist in Washington is pursued by the state attorney general for politely declining to make a floral arrangement for a same-sex wedding. A photographer in New Mexico is fined $6,700 for declining to do a photo shoot for a lesbian wedding.
A T-shirt company is ordered to produce T-shirts to promote a message it finds morally objectionable. Jennifer Keeton and Julea Ward are kicked out of graduate school counseling programs because of their moral objections to homosexual conduct.
Chris Culliver of the 49ers is sent to re-education camp prior to the Super Bowl two years ago for laughing at homosexuality in NFL locker rooms. The special teams coach of the Minnesota Vikings is suspended and nearly fired for a joke about homosexuality. A safety for the Miami Dolphins is sent to re-education camp for tweeting out his displeasure over Michael Sam’s slobbery homosexual kiss on draft day. A Canadian broadcaster is fired for defending man-woman marriage. Craig James is fired by Fox Sports Southwest for defending natural marriage in a senatorial campaign.
What do all these victims share in common? Their ability to engage in commerce was brought to a screeching halt because they would not celebrate, endorse or promote homosexual behavior.
The book of Revelation, indicates that one of the goals of the Beast’s campaign to establish his own twisted caliphate over the entire world will be to drive Christians out of business altogether.
In John’s vision, any Christian who does not willingly accept the mark of the beast will not be allowed to buy or to sell. He’ll be fired or won’t be hired or will be drummed out of business entirely.
So what is this mark of the beast today? That’s easy. It’s the “gay” rainbow.
This is the rainbow “Big Gay” has stolen from the Bible and from the church and turned into its own twisted symbol of perversion.
Anyone who does not plaster homosexual rainbow stickers all over himself, his resume and the windows of his business will have his commercial interests terminated with extreme prejudice.
The mark is on the “hand,” referring to what a man does, and it is on the “forehead,” referring to the way he thinks. It will not be enough simply to do what the Gaystapo demands; men will be forced to think politically correct thoughts about sodomy or face termination.
Legislation is even now under consideration – the Employment Non-Discrimination Act (ENDA) – which will codify the mark of the beast and use the power of the federal leviathan to impose it tyrannically on the populace.
The great need of the hour is for prophetic voices to thunder against this demonic oppression from the pulpit and for statesmen to thunder against this beast in the halls of Congress. “We the people” must insist on this. If the voices of truth are not soon raised against this abomination, we may find out it’s a lot later than we think.
(Unless otherwise noted, the opinions expressed are the author’s and do not necessarily reflect the views of the American Family Association or American Family Radio.)
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Vatican: “Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community”


Homosexuality has been the political battering ram of the opposition to God’s law and freedom in the past 25 years in America. More recent the sodomites’ attempt at redefining marriage has been used as the weapon of choice. Now, the liberal leaning Pope Francis and his Roman ecclesiastical hierarchy have stepped in it again, this time with homosexuality. The Pope’s recent synod led to a document, in which bishops said they should focus on the positive aspects that sodomites have in the church.
This Pope has attacked capitalism, embraced Islam and many have suggested he has laid groundwork for a one world religion. While they did not endorse homosexual sex and the redefining of marriage openly, the bishops did indicate that sodomites have “positive aspects” to offer Christians.
The Guardian reports:
The document, known as a relatio post disceptationem, received applause when it was read aloud in the synod hall after a week of discussions, due to continue this week. It does not contain any decisions but offers a significant idea of the gathering’s direction of travel. Some Vatican observers said its change in tone on homosexuality and cohabitation was remarkable.

“The document published today by the synod of bishops represents an earthquake, the ‘big one’ that hit after months of smaller tremors,” wrote John Thavis, author of The Vatican Diaries. “The document clearly reflects Pope Francis’s desire to adopt a more merciful pastoral approach on marriage and family issues.”

Referring to the increasing numbers of people choosing to live together before marriage, or to have civil weddings, the bishops spoke of the need to see “the constructive elements” in those options while not viewing them as an equal substitute for Christian marriage. “In such unions, it is possible to grasp authentic family values or at least the wish for them,” they noted.

In a passage entitled “welcoming homosexual persons”, the bishops said that although the church could not support gay marriage, it needed to explore ways of making gay people feel included. “Homosexuals have gifts and qualities to offer to the Christian community: are we capable of welcoming these people, guaranteeing to them a fraternal space in our communities?” the document says.

OK, let’s be clear, there can be true Christians who may be tempted with homosexuality. They can be cleansed of their sins and still battle those temptations (1 Cor. 6:9-11). However, there can be no unrepentant homosexual who can truly be called a Christian.
I, as well as all Christians, welcome all repentant people who have formerly engaged in homosexual acts. However, that is vastly different than receiving those that continue to practice homosexuality and expect to be accepted into the community of believers. May such a thing never be!…. but it is being welcomed, instead of being dealt with.
“Often they wish to encounter a church that offers them a welcoming home,” the document continues. “Are our communities capable of providing that, accepting and valuing their sexual orientation, without compromising Catholic doctrine on the family and matrimony?”
No! The communities of believers are not to do that. Are they capable? Sure, they are, but only sinfully, not biblically. There is no “value” in same-sex attraction. It is evil in the sight of God. Even worse is carrying the “vile affections,” as the apostle Paul calls them in Romans 1, to their logical conclusion of physical acts. They are a sign of God’s judgment, not His love and approval.
 “Without denying the moral problems connected to homosexual unions,” the report adds, “it has to be noted that there are cases in which mutual aid to the point of sacrifice constitutes a precious support in the life of the partners.”
No, it adds to their damnation. They should be called to repentance, not acceptance. This is a major problem in the professed church in America where pastors are too cowardly to call out sin and demand that those in attendance repent of it.
 “The synod is clearly listening to the complex, real-life experiences of Catholics around the world, and seeking to address them with mercy, as Jesus did,” James Martin, a Jesuit author, told the Associated Press. He also called the document a “stunning change” in the way the Roman Catholic Church spoke about sodomites.
Well, I’m no friend of the Roman Catholic Church, their councils or their Popes. I love the RCC people though, and want them to know the gospel of Jesus Christ that saves and I believe there are many in the RCC that reject Roman dogma and have embraced the true gospel. Some of my contributors at Freedom Outpost can attest to my thoughts regarding that fact. In fact, I have pointed out to many that our Reformation fathers were Roman Catholic and attempted to reform the RCC, but eventually had to separate from it. The RCC has its own problems, but this is not helping it.
The true church must stand up and declare that such admissions, as those posed by this synod, are an abomination in the sight of God and call these men to repent for the health and spiritual well-being of men everywhere, and that they would demonstrate a love for men that flowed from a love of God and His Word, which condemns the very behavior they seem willing to embrace.
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Saturday, October 11, 2014


     While, we as Americans, have lived our lives, living in what was once known as the greatest country in the world, a beacon to the world, and a place that dreams could come true if you worked hard enough, that bubble of fantasy gets the pin in the ballon treatment. Most of us (myself included) always relied on the government to do what was best for 'us' and protect us with the most formidabble military the world has ever seen, and has seen since. Unlike North Kores, China and Russia, when the U.S. rattled the sabres, countries sat up straight in their chairs and quaked at who those sabres were being rattled against, hoping it wasn't them with the red laser dot on their face. Of course that was then, this is now. We'll come back to this later.
     Taking some time to look back through the history of our country, the 'regulars' or 'citizens who worked hard and served and died in wars' lived either an upper crust (not the 1%), middle class or poverty stricken were the pawns to bear the brunt of those high in power, and there were many over the years. Ask yourself, what one group has delivered the highest in power, men whose control would alter or shape the path of America, not for the good of our country, but one that is advantageous to them financially or politically as their agenda required. Well, one group would be Yale's Secret Society: Skull and Bones. The list of names is mostly one of low level politicians to Presidents. Here is a short list of what were probably the most important of those members: Howard Taft - President, William Averill Harriman - Governor of New York, multi-millionaire, Prescott Bush - H.W.'s father and W.'s grandfather - Senator, also rumored to have stolen Geronimo's skull which is also rumored to reside in 'The Tombs', the Skulls headquarters. Robert Lovett - known as the 'architect of the cold war', was also in the same timeline as Prescott Bush and also served in Truman's War Cabinet. Henry Luce - Founder and publisher of Time Magazine and first editor of The Yale Daily News, took the name 'Baal' (Remember now, George H. W. Bush's Skull's name is Magog). No one ever knew why he chose this evil name. Potter Stewart - His name for fame came asan Associate Justice of the Supreme Court and wrote the dissent on Griswold vs. Conneticut paving the way for contraceptives (the first step to abortion legalization?). George McBundy - Became one of JFK's Wise Men, who also had a personality that earned him the nickname "Odin". George Herbert Walker Bush - Ambassador to Red China, Director of the CIA, Vice President, President. William F. Buckley Jr. - Came to symbolize the most conservative brand of American Elitism. John F. Kerry - Of course we now he has been all of the spectrum of politics as well as a traitor in the Swift Boat controversary. Of course I'll finish with George W. Bush. There are many more who were part of The Skull and Bones who ended up (or were helped to fit into our political and financial web). Now what does all that mean? This is only ONE such society that is completely secretive, yet produces the makers and shakers of our country. How and why do they produce people of power? Great education? No doubt. A secretive effort to place their members in positions to control our country to move their agenda? More likely.
     Obama is the most noticeable for destructive measures wrought on the American people because he has made no effort to hide his disdain for our country, our Constitution, The Bill of Rights, as well as the American people. At least with Obama we know where he stands: In the WAY of progress, and occassionally is allowed to peak out of George Soro's pocket to make an appearance.
     Joe Kennedy was truely against Communism, yet he hated Jews. "A few individually are okay, but as a group, they stink" (I took liberty to paraphrase). Speaking about the atrocities commited by Hitler against the Jews, Joe Kennedy stated, "The got what they deserved!" Old Joe was an actual fan of Hitler. People of influence and of great wealth was also a Jew hater. A promoter of Anti-Semitism. Hmm. Could his offense aginst the Jews created the curse of the Kennedys? Kinda a bad idea to touch God's beloved people.
     What we believe we have control of as citizens, our protection under The Constitution, and The Bill of Rights is actually a figment of our imagination, a diluted sense of safety and security that we as citizens are allowed to believe in while those, like the men I listed as well as Obama, are happy to allow us to continue believing while they actually destroy our country. Obama has destroyed everything he has touched, including our safety by decimating the most powerful military we once had. We, as Americans, are now being told what is ours by God, is now given into the hands of Muslim lovers, liberal idiots, and those who would intimidate citizens into fearing the flying of our flag "because it might cause trouble with or offend Muslims".
     We watch while a country is stricken with Ebola, is being allowed to still land it's aircrafts in our country as Ebola cases start showing up across our country and Obama's solution to the Ebola problem is to allow citizens traveling in the infected areas of Africa where Ebola is most prevelant to enter our country without being quarrantined or turned away. He won't fight ISIS (NOT ISIL!) with ground troops, but he will send our troops into harms way by sending them to...once again the Ebola stricken Africa! Uh...duh.
     I'll finish by saying this: Do your homework quickly, before mid-term elections. Help your fellow citizens understand what we will deffinately face if the Senate is not flipped. Watch the voting stations and polls for illegal or irregular activities. Call all authorities immediately! Make sure those who are in charge of the polling stations know that they will be held accountable for knowingly allowing criminal activities when it comes to our most sacred right, the right to vote. Evil triumphs when good men do nothing. That is as true today as ever. Be that good man or good woman to stand up and stop evil from triumphing!!



     Many of you are probably aware that George H. W. Bush and his son George W. were both members of the secret society at Yale, Skull and Bones. Were you aware that George H. W.'s Skull and Bones name was "Magog"? All Bible scholars may find this interesting as to why a future President would choose the society name of Magog.  George W. refused to choose a name so he was given the name "Temporary". Still, why Magog? Fair and balanced. I report, you decide!

Friday, October 3, 2014



     I can't stand the chaos, fear mongering, killing, and threats that our Muslim president and his co-horts have allowed to be common place in our country. Muslims terrorist yelling threats and rants from their warped Qu'ran and beliefs while they shoot (Fort Hood) and behead and stab (Oklahoma) and then have the balls to say they weren't acts of terrorism, rather workplace violence. ISIS (NOT ISIL YOU OBAMA INFIDEL!) and other terrorist groups are making threats of all the things they plan on doing to Americans and America, while all the time our MUSLIM BASTARD PRESIDENT and his damn friends, administration and cohorts laugh it off, or say America is a Muslim nation has gone beyond getting old, it's starting to make Americans uncertain and scared about the future. That can't continue!
     Muslims that are already established in our country are now feeling emboldened because of the free reign that the law is allowing. At different points in the history of our country, others have felt emboldened to feel they had "rule over us". The British, the French, The Spanish, Mexico, the South, the North and on and on. What did Americans do back then? Sit back and allow their government to oppress them with the thoughts of this was the way they had to live and live under? Hell no. They drove out the British, the French (wimps anyway), The Spaniards, spanked the hell out of Santa Anna, and the North and South took years to do so, but they worked out most of their differences.
     What I'm trying to say is: we are doers. We are not conquered, WE ARE CONQUERORS! I will not allow any Muslim SOB to in any way feel comfortable around me. They have every reason to feel nervous. If I flinch, piss your pants. If I move, run! I'm an American, true born and red blooded. I don't fear you, but you should and all you know should fear me and my fellow Americans, because when push comes to shove, we are hell, we are the business end of a Howitzer, each one of us are a nuclear bomb just waiting to show you what ground zero feels like! WE ARE AMERICANS, HEAR US AND FEAR US! You may think you scare us, but you don't know us. We come from the best of the best! When this world goes to war, it's Americans who end it! My best advice to Muslims is: Don't start shit, cause we will not just throw it back in your face, we'll choke you with it!
     You see a Muslim flag, this ain't Muslim, THIS IS AMERICA AND WE FLY AMERICAN FLAGS! This ain't Mexico, so we don't fly Mexican flags, THIS IS AMERICA AND WE FLY AMERICAN FLAGS! This ain't Obama land, so if you see an American flag that has been bastardized with either the Obama Progressive symbol or Obama's face where the stars are supposed to be, INFORM THOSE IDIOTS THAT THIS IS AMERICA AND WE FLY THE STARS AND BARS, THE AMERICAN FLAG ! CUT THESE UNAMERICAN FLAGS DOWN AND BURN THEM!