I am proud to announce that I have released to smashwords.com and Amazon (for Kindle) the final revised editions of Wars End Solomon Stryker Series Book #1 and Stryker's Move Solomon Stryker Series Book #2. The books plots have been enhanced as well as in Wars End you see a very dark side to Stryker. For those of you who have asked me to tighten up the books, correct my spelling, punctuation and passive sentences should find that a miracle has been performed!
The relationship between Candace and Stryker, though still strained at times, is realistic! Even better is the future of the technology that Stryker will have available (see the updated version of Wars End!). I thank all of you who have read my books to this point and have given what seemed harsh in criticism at the time, helped open my eyes to what you wanted to see changed and will hopefully continue to make me a better writer as I go along!
Thank you all, and enjoy!
Terry W. Manning